Category: Thursday Folders

Thursday Folders – August 25, 2022

Principal Message: Eagle Families! Welcome Back (or Welcome for the first time)!! Welcome to a new year of Thursday Folders! This communication comes out weekly from me and contains all your school level communication, including dates, flyers, important updates, andContinue Reading

Thursday Folders – May 26, 2022

Principal’s Corner Happy Thursday- What a year this year has been! Thanks for all you have done. We encountered many successes as well as challenges and each new turn made us stronger and ready for an even more fantastic 21/22Continue Reading

Thursday Folders – May 19, 2022

Principal’s Corner End of Year/Beginning of Next Year Info: Lost & Found Everything will be donated on June 2nd. Library Books Library books are due May 16th Overdue library books are welcomed back at any time–including books from other DPS libraries. (BooksContinue Reading

Thursday Folders – May 5, 2022

Principal’s Corner Happy Thursday Eagle Families, This week we have all felt the outpouring of love and appreciation from each and every one of you! We are so thankful for each of the thoughtful days of staff appreciation! Everything fromContinue Reading

Thursday Folders April 14th, 2022

Principal’s Corner Eagle Families, This is the time of the year that we begin to live in two years. We continue to support and be present in this school year, while also reflecting on this year and planning for nextContinue Reading

Thursday Folders April 7th, 2022

Principal’s Corner Asbury Community, Please join our April Asbury Community Circle – Friday, 4/8 from 7:50am – 8:20am.  Here is the link to join:     Meeting ID: 758 797 3597   Passcode: um6si1   Warmly, Jeanna Doung School Notes Important Information: OpenContinue Reading

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Principal’s Corner Asbury Eagle Families- We have been so lucky lately with all the visitors and supports we have had in the building  (see what I did there, with St. Patty’s day and all)! We are lucky to have ourContinue Reading

Thursday Folders March 3rd, 2022

Principal’s Corner Eagle Families, It feels like spring is in the air (maybe I shouldn’t speak too soon, this is Colorado, after all)! Below you will see information about COVID guidelines, playground use and budget updates.  COVID: As DPS continuesContinue Reading

Thursday Folders February 24th, 2022

Principal’s Corner Eagle Families- As we gear up for the sunsetting of the mask mandate that takes effect on Monday, Feb. 28 in which masks will no longer be required, I wanted to take a moment to reiterate some things.Continue Reading

Thursday Folders February 17th, 2022

Principal’s Corner Morning, As many of you all saw, DPS, in conjunction with DDPHE (Denver Department of Public Health and Environment) will be updating their mask mandate. Denver Public Schools (DPS) issued updated guidance on masks that takes effect onContinue Reading

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