Category: News

Thursday Folders – October 7, 2021

Principal’s Corner Eagle Families, October is Disability Acceptance month. Based on that, this week’s letter is focused on awareness and resources for inclusion and integration. National Disability Awareness Month was established in 1988 by Congress and is an opportunity toContinue Reading

Discovery Links for Asbury Running at University Park

Hello Asbury Discovery Link Families, University Park (U-Park) will be running camps for Asbury Discovery Link families on the following dates: 11/23, 11/24, 12/20, 12/21, 12/27, 12/28, 3/28, and 3/29 You can register for these camp days through your AsburyContinue Reading

Thursday Folders – September 30, 2021

Principal’s Corner Asbury Eagles, As we dive further into this school year, we continue our focus on academics and social-emotional learning. I wanted to share with you the celebrations of work that are displayed as you walk through the hallwaysContinue Reading

Thursday Folders – September 23, 2021

Principal’s Corner Eagle Families! As part of our effort to support the Whole Child, our school will be implementing a universal social and emotional screening for all students. Universal social and emotional screening can provide a fair and impartial wayContinue Reading

Thursday Folders – September 10, 2021

Principal’s Corner Asbury Community, We are already well into week 3 of school! We have spent time building rituals and routines and have now started engaging in math, literacy and PBL projects. Speaking of PBL, it was great to see ourContinue Reading

Thursday Folders – September 2, 2021

Principal’s Corner Asbury Eagles, As a school we are always balancing social-emotional, academic and the health and safety of students and staff. These three areas are our pillars to success. I know many of you are sitting with many questionsContinue Reading

Thursday Folders May 6th, 2021 

Principal’s Corner Asbury Eagles! Earlier DPS shared their thoughts for how the 21/22 school year will look. I also want to take a moment to share my hopes for next school year. I want students fully engaged in learning, communicatingContinue Reading

Thursday Folders April 29th, 2021  

Thursday Folders April 29th, 2021   Principal’s Corner I know that for many of our grade levels, this has been a week of unexpected changes, with some grades returning to remote learning due to the need to quarantine. This is neverContinue Reading

Thursday Folders April 22nd, 2021

Principal’s Corner It has been so exciting to see how many of you all are donating to our Soles 4 Souls shoe drive! Over the last week, we have been collecting so many shoes! Student council has gone above andContinue Reading

Asbury Shoe Drive for Soles4Souls – month of April!

Asbury’s Soles4Souls shoe drive has started!  Bring in your old shoes to help the environment! Please have your students bring in your old shoes and drop them off in the boxes that are placed around the inside of school. ThisContinue Reading

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