November 16, 2023
Principal Message: Asbury has a release day tomorrow, Friday, 11/17, which means no students will be at school. Staff, including teachers and paraprofessionals come together to focus on growing our practice, planning for student-centered learning, and collaborating with colleagues. These…Continue Reading
November 9, 2023
Principal Message: Together with PTSO and Student Council, we will be hosting a coat drive next week from November 13-16. If you have any coats, including coats for toddlers, adults and school-age children, we would love to have your donations.…Continue Reading
November 2, 2023
Principal Message: Thanks to all parents who completed the BESS Social Emotional Screener this year. We have taken this, the student input, and teacher input from this screener to help drive our support for the social emotional needs of our …Continue Reading
October 26, 2023
Principal Message: The weather has been absolutely gorgeous this week so far! It has been great to be outside with students during lunch and recess. The playground is full with students playing four-square, tetherball, playing on the swings and playing…Continue Reading
October 19, 2023
Principal Message: Awesome Eagle Community! This month is Anti-Bullying month! At Asbury we have a zero tolerance policy on bullying. Mr. Garrett, our amazing restorative justice paraprofessional has been working hard teaching lessons around bullying to keep Asbury a safe…Continue Reading
October 6, 2023
Principal Message: Happy Thursday Asbury Community! I want to thank all of you for your support while I took my scheduled trip. It was a wonderful experience, but I am so excited to be back to finish off the month…Continue Reading
September 28, 2023
Substitute Interim Principal Message: I feel so fortunate to have worked with your students and this staff for these past two weeks. Our older students have been focused on Interim tests and engaged learning and our younger friends have had…Continue Reading
September 21, 2023
Substitute Interim Principal Message: Happy Thursday! It is my pleasure to serve as substitute interim principal while Ms Mendoza is away for a few days. From my first morning here, I can see that students at Asbury are enthusiastic and…Continue Reading
September 14, 2023
Principal Message: Happy Thursday! As another week comes to an end, I want to say how amazing our Eagles are doing following all expectations and routines and getting to the business of learning. In my experience, I have found that…Continue Reading
September 7, 2023
Principal Message: Happy Thursday! As we approach the completion of our third week of school, I am delighted to reflect upon the wonderful memories we are creating here at Asbury. We are pleased the weather this week has been considerably…Continue Reading