Posted March 6, 2025
Dear Asbury Community,
Read-A-Thon has been so much fun this week. We started the week with a Community Circle and an author visit. Mina Javaherbin read her book, My Father’s House, and she talked about the history of the book. Students were engaged and asked many great questions.
Each day this week, top readers receive prizes, and the top readers of the school will receive a lunch with Ms. D as well as using silly-string on the staff member of the student’s choice (as long as the staff member agrees)! This will take place during the next Community Circle on 3/19 @ 1:45 outside, so please come and join if you would like to see this fun activity!
In other exciting reading news, Asbury was included on the top performers list for our midyear READ Act Literacy data! Our students continue to show up as top performers for their literacy skills!
Coming up next week, we have March-Mathness, which will focus on math skills. Students will compete for top math grower and time on math skills. The top mathematician will also get a prize of silly-string!
In Partnership,
Jeanna Doung
Read A Thon Update
Tomorrow (Friday, 3/7) is the last day to turn in any feathers that you have not yet turned in!
Safety at Drop Off
Student safety is our top priority- we have noticed that students are being dropped off on Lafayette, running across the street, cars are also stopping on Lafayette to drop off students. To ensure safety, we ask that students are dropped off using kiss and go. Lafayette street is used for street parking. If you park there, then please walk with your child into school. We know what a pain street parking can be at drop off, but we need to remember student safety first. We are going to start to have staff support on this side of the building to ensure safety. You may get a reminder about following these safety protocols from our staff.
Friday, 2/28 BEST Video
Nursing Plan
We have a new nurse who is starting Monday, March 10. Her name is Ariani Palmer and she will be here 2 days a week. We will continue to have our Health Tech, the amazing Mr. Drew, for 3 days a week, which means we will have full coverage in our health office! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out and thanks for your patience as we get our new nurse transitioned to Asbury. 🙂
Reminder: Spring Break is Coming up and all lost and found will be donated Friday March 21, 2025.
As a reminder, Asbury and DPS have spring break starting March 21-March 31. Students will be back in school on Tuesday, April 1. March 21 is an Asbury release day- teachers will come together to have professional learning, collaboration and planning time to ensure we are setting students up for success. Monday, March 31 is a DPS holiday, so the school will not be open at all, as DPS will not be open.
Request from the Math Team for the upcoming Pi Day on Friday, 3/14!
Talent Show
Talent Show audition information was passed out to interested students in grades 2-5 last week. Kindergarten and first graders will not be performing in the Talent Show this year. Please find Talent Show information here and the digital permission slip here. Please email Tillie Batesmith at with any questions!
Assessment Update (3rd, 4th, 5th grades)
We will be hosting a Virtual CMAS Information Night. You can join with your student. Only one of you will need to log into the google meet meeting link. Ideally, your student should have his or her chromebook there too. We will be sharing some information about CMAS, but then also giving an opportunity for you to look at some practice type questions with your student too. Please mark it on your calendar. We will send a reminder next Tuesday too!
If you are unable to attend, a recording of the meeting will be shared out after the meeting.
Here’s the information to join:
CMAS Virtual Parent Night – 2025
Wednesday, March 12 · 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Time zone: America/Denver
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 304-760-9455 PIN: 439 758 120#
Please reach out with any questions to
HR Updates
Immigration Resources for Family and Staff:
A Family Resource Toolkit is available in English and Spanish, and contains information and resources about rights, current DPS policies, training, mental health support, DPS resources, community resources and more. To request the toolkit in another language, email
Crosswalk Safety Update
A senior council aide with Councilman Kashmann’s office has reached out and heard the voices that you all have been raising around crosswalk safety. They shared that they continue to hear from residents and parents who are concerned about the unsafe crossing at Evans. They agree that infrastructure/pedestrian improvements need to be prioritized in this area. They are in communication with DOTI to make sure this is on their radar and a priority!
Check it out
Have you seen the gym lately? We have some amazing new decals in the gym that remind us to do our BEST! Through our bond dollars that we spent on a variety of projects last year (new playground equipment, newline boards, updates to our cafeteria), we had some additional funding to continue supporting projects. We were able to put these decals up earlier this month and we are thrilled with how they look!
Weather Reminder
Bundle Up: It is cold in the morning and it feels like an extra cold winter this year. Where we do have inside days during extreme weather and temperatures, on other days, when it might feel brisk, we do have students go outside. We have some extra coats at school, though not enough for everyone, so please have students bring winter gear to school on cold days. We look at the weather daily to make decisions about if we will be inside or outside.
Kiss and Go/Crosswalk Safety
Please use safety at Kiss n’ Go and when crossing the street- please use the crosswalks provided and keep our Asbury Eagles safe 🙂
Report Card Window
Report cards will be ready after March 20. This will be for the 2nd trimester. If you have any questions, please contact the front office.
What’s going on with PTSO?
Please visit the Asbury Website for more information and details about enrichments offered during this session: Asbury Enrichments Schedule (update in progress)
Enrichment Flyers
Community Flyers
Upcoming Dates