Asbury Thursday Folders – March 13, 2025

Posted March 13, 2025

Thursday Folders

Principal Message:

Dear Asbury Community, 

At the end of April, we will bring back Asbury’s Dish a Story event. Families, students and staff loved this event last year and we would like to continue this event that celebrates and shares recipes, stories, food- and brings the community together! This year Dish a Story will be paired with the WOW art show, so you get to view amazing art and share stories and food together! 

Asbury students will be completing a project at home that tells a story about a favorite family recipe.  The Dish A Story potluck is an opportunity for families to share that dish, their story, and the company of other Asbury families. Whether you are able to bring a dish or not, we hope that you will join us in celebrating our Asbury community and everything we all “bring to the table.” Please save the date for April 19 for this amazing event and you will be hearing from your teachers within the next couple of weeks with more details. 

In Partnership,

Jeanna Doung  

What’s top of Mind?


Classes will take class pictures next week on Tuesday March 18. An envelope went home yesterday with your child. Please return it to school on or before if you are paying by check or cash. To order online please visit CLASS PHOTO LINK, enter Asbury in school name, click on Asbury, click on code FM456641 and follow prompts to order.

Safety at Drop Off/Pick Up

Student safety is our top priority- we have noticed that students are being dropped off on Lafayette, running across the street, cars are also stopping on Lafayette to drop off students. To ensure safety, we ask that students are dropped off using kiss and go. Lafayette street is used for street parking. If you park there, then please walk with your child into school. We know what a pain street parking can be at drop off, but we need to remember student safety first. We are going to start to have staff support on this side of the building to ensure safety. You may get a reminder about following these safety protocols from our staff. Please do not use the parking lot for drop off or pick up, unless you have a handicap placard or won the parking space at last year’s Spring Wing.

Friday, 3/7 BEST Video

Community Circle

Community Circle: Community Circle is this Monday, March 17 from 2:10-2:40. We will be hosting our time on the blacktop. We will dismiss from here. . During this time, we will give out BEST awards, celebrate our top readers and top mathematicians. Teachers and staff- get ready, you could be up to get silly-stringed! Please join us for this time!

CMAS Virtual Parent Information (3rd, 4th, 5th grade families!)

Thank you so much for taking a moment to watch this CMAS Information Video.  We decided to do this instead of a live session (was scheduled yesterday) to make it more convenient for all of your busy schedules.  If you have any questions, please reach out to

CMAS Informational Virtual Night Recording Video (16 minutes)

Slides (for reference)

If you want to, you can sit with your student and look through the practice resources to experience what CMAS is all about (new for 3rd grade families, review for 4th and 5th grade families).  

Here’s the link:

Practice Tests/Released Items/Tutorials to experience CMAS –

Volunteers needed for Recess/Lunch Duty Coverage during CMAS

  • Please help us with lunch/recess duty during our CMAS testing so our teachers and paras can finish their proctoring.  Recess/lunch duty is a fun experience.  We promise!  You will check in at the office when you arrive and then go out to the playground to support our students during recess and then when they are eating lunch.  
  • Here is the link to the SIGN UP GENIUS. Thank you in advance.
  • These are two helpful videos (also in the sign up genius) to make your recess/lunch duty experience even better!

CSC Interest in the 25/26 School Year

Are you interested in joining CSC (Collaborative School Community) group for the 25/26 school year? This is an important group that comes together and talks about budget, supports school level strategic planning and engages in work to ensure Asbury is on track and our priorities are in line with our needs! If you are interested, please reach out to Jeanna Doung.

Reminder: Spring Break is Coming up and all lost and found will be donated Friday March 21, 2025.

As a reminder, Asbury and DPS have spring break starting March 21-March 31. Students will be back in school on Tuesday, April 1. March 21 is an Asbury release day- teachers will come together to have professional learning, collaboration and planning time to ensure we are setting students up for success. Monday, March 31 is a DPS holiday, so the school will not be open at all, as DPS will not be open. 

Pi Day on Friday, 3/14!  Tomorrow! *If you signed up to bring a pie, please bring it tomorrow morning!!  Thank you all!

  • We will be participating in Pi Day on Friday, 3/14 and we need your help.  If you would like to donate a pie for this, please complete the sign up genius below!  We appreciate your support!
  • PI Day Sign Up

Talent Show – Date Change!  Please read!

  • Date Change:  Wednesday, 3/19 – Talent Show (1:00 show for the school and a 4:30 show for families)
  • Please email Tillie Batesmith at with any questions!

HR Updates

  • Welcome our new nurse, Ariani Palmer, she will be with us 2 days a week. We are thrilled to have her support. 
  • Open Positions: 
    • We have a few DAS (1 on 1 paraprofessional) positions that support our students with special needs. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to reach out! 
    • MI Special Education Teacher position open. If you know of anyone or are interested in yourself, please let Jeanna know.
    • We are interviewing for next school year. We have several openings including:
      • MI-Center-Based Teacher
      • DAS or Dedicated Adult Paraprofessional 
      • MI Center Based Para 

DPS STEAM Expo – Saturday, May 3 (9:00-3:00) – Information Flyer

  • @CSU Spur (4777 National Western Drive, Denver, CO 80216)
  • This is going to be a really cool FREE opportunity for all kids to explore all things STEAM!
  • Watch this video from last year to learn more – DPS STEAM Expo (2024).
  • No registration necessary unless you want to get involved in specific things – See HERE (Click on DPS Students in this link).
  • Just save the date and plan to show up. It will be so cool. Prizes will be given out throughout the event!
  • If you have any questions, please reach out to

What’s Still Relevant? 

Assessment Update (3rd, 4th, 5th grades)

  • CMAS/CoAlt Schedule and Parent Information Letter – Click HERE.
  • Testing Window at Asbury – April 7-April 17
  • 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will do ELA (3 units/grade) and math (3 units/grade)
  • 4th will also do Social Studies (1 unit)
  • 5th will also do Science (3 units)
  • By getting this information out early, we hope you can plan accordingly with appointments/trips/days absent from school.  It is also really important that students arrive at school on time each day.  It is really helpful to get all the testing completed as scheduled and limit the number of make-ups we need to do.
  • Note:  The specials schedule will be flipped from 4/7-4/17 (ie. K, 1, 2 will have specials in the morning and 3, 4, 5 will have specials in the afternoon during this testing window.

Please reach out with any questions to

Immigration Resources for Family and Staff:
A Family Resource Toolkit is available in English and Spanish, and contains information and resources about rights, current DPS policies, training, mental health support, DPS resources, community resources and more. To request the toolkit in another language, email

Crosswalk Safety Update

 A senior council aide with Councilman Kashmann’s office has reached out and heard the voices that you all have been raising around crosswalk safety. They shared that they continue to hear from residents and parents who are concerned about the unsafe crossing at Evans. They agree that infrastructure/pedestrian improvements need to be prioritized in this area. They are in communication with DOTI to make sure this is on their radar and a priority! 

Check it out

Have you seen the gym lately? We have some amazing new decals in the gym that remind us to do our BEST!  Through our bond dollars that we spent on a variety of projects last year (new playground equipment, newline boards, updates to our cafeteria), we had some additional funding to continue supporting projects. We were able to put these decals up earlier this month and we are thrilled with how they look!

Kiss and Go/Crosswalk Safety

Please use safety at Kiss n’ Go and when crossing the street- please use the crosswalks provided and keep our Asbury Eagles safe 🙂 

Report Card Window

Report cards will be ready after March 20. This will be for the 2nd trimester. If you have any questions, please contact the front office. 

What’s going on with PTSO?

  • Looking for some fresh new Asbury merch for the summer and next year? We’ve got you covered! Check out our cute store here: Store will close April 4th.
  • Get those taste buds ready – it’s another ALL DAY Shake Shack Dine Out and Give Back! Earn a 25% give back for Asbury on Tuesday, March 18 at their 260 North Josephine location. Use code “DONATE” to make sure your purchase counts!
  • Going to be around for Spring Break? Skate City in Littleton is offering FREE SKATING! See the attached flyer below. Thank you, Skate City! (And mark your calendars: Asbury’s Skate City night is Monday, April 7, 6-8 pm) – Click HERE for the coupons and information.
  • Celebrate the first week back after Spring Break with our next Friday Fun! Kona Ice will be parked outside after school on Friday, April 4. Don’t forget your cups!
  • Mark your calendar for Spring Wing 2025!! Friday, May 2 is the big day!
    • Tickets on sale soon – stay tuned!
    • We’re looking for items to include in this year’s highly anticipated auction. Do you have extra tickets to a game, music performance, or other cool event, or have a hookup to some cool artists or local businesses who would like to be involved? Please contact!  

What’s going on with Enrichments?

Please visit the Asbury Website for more information and details about enrichments offered during this session: Asbury Enrichments Schedule (update in progress) 

Enrichment Flyers

Community Flyers

Upcoming Dates

  • 3/14 – Pi Day!  Click HERE if you would like to donate a pie!
  • 3/14 – Asbury Spelling Bee
  • 3/18 – Shake Shack Dine Out and Giveback
  • 3/19 – 4th Grade Field Trip to DU (Architecture PBL)
  • Date Change:  3/19 – Talent Show (1:00 show for the school and a 4:30 show for families)
  • 3/21 – No school for students- Asbury Release Day
  • 3/24 – 3/31- No school for staff and students- Holiday
  • 4/1 – PTSO Virtual meeting (it’s not for fools only!)
  • 4/4 – Kona Ice Friday Fun after school
  • 4/7 – Skate City Asbury Night 6-8 pm
  • 4/16 – Sweet Cow Dine Out and Giveback
  • 4/18 – No school for students- DPS Release Day
  • 4/19- Wow Art Show/Dish-A-Story
  • 4/22 – 4/23 (Baker’s Homeroom) and 4/23 – 4/24 (Altenburger’s Homeroom) – 5th Grade Balarat 
  • 4/29 – WOW Show/Dish a Story/Green Eagles and Clothing Swap (3:30-6:30) 
  • 4/30 – Rockies Game – 5th Grade
  • 5/2 – Spring Wing! *DATE CHANGE*
  • 5/3 – NEW:  DPS STEAM Expo (9:00-3:00) @CSU Spur – Information Flyer
  • 5/7- NEW: Please save the date for Student Led Conferences this evening!
  • 5/9 – No school for students- Asbury Release Day
  • 5/13 – Sexy Pizza Dine Out
  • 5/26 – No school for students and staff- Holiday
  • 6/2 – 5th Grade Continuation
  • 6/3 – Half Day for students- last day of school