Asbury Awards

Posted July 11, 2023

I wanted to take a moment to share that Asbury has been recognized by CDE and received two performance awards! We have received The John Irwin Award and The Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Award! Asbury has worked hard and all our focus and prioritization on inclusion, project-based learning, and acceleration in the learning has truly had an impact on students! 

Check out the full story here! Also, want more details about the awards we received? See below for descriptions. 

The John Irwin awards are given to schools that demonstrate exceptional academic achievement over time. These schools received an Exceeds Expectations rating on the Academic Achievement indicator of the School Performance Frameworks reflecting exceptional performance in Math, English Language Arts, and Science.

The Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Awards are given to schools that demonstrate exceptional student growth. On the school performance framework that is used by the state to evaluate schools, these schools “exceed” expectations on the indicator related to longitudinal academic growth and “meet or exceed” expectations on the indicator related to academic growth gaps.
Go Asbury!