Posted February 20, 2025
Dear Asbury Community,
Asbury Read-A-Thon is March 1-6!
Welcome to the 14th Annual Asbury Elementary Read-A-Thon! Reading books – Reinforcing literacy
The main focus of Read-A-Thon is to foster a love of literacy and reading. With this event, we hope to instill a love of books to our Asbury Eagles, so that they may become, and continue to be, passionate readers as they grow. We hope that ALL students will participate in the program.
The Read-A-Thon is a great way to support our kids through active reading.
❖ Reading is a more complex task for our brains than watching TV.
❖ Reading improves concentration.
❖ Reading develops our kids’ imaginations.
❖ Reading improves vocabulary & language skills.
❖ Reading builds empathy.
❖ Reading promotes achievement in ALL subjects at school.
Our goal this year is to encourage our kids to read because it is FUN!!!!
Read and track your minutes March 1st – March 6th. Turn in Reading Feathers March 3rd – March 7th.
a) Using the Reading Log (that will be sent home next week) to record the number of minutes you read. It stays at home.
b) Return a Reading Feather (sent home 2/28) to school each weekday morning. A copy is attached if needed.
Transfer the number of minutes you read from your Reading Log to the corresponding Reading Feather on the tear sheet. Bring the feather to school each morning (March 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th).
The Read-A-Thon Committee will tally minutes read based solely on the Reading Feathers returned to school. At the end of the reading week, each student who reads more than 300 minutes will receive a Snarf’s gift certificate and prizes will be awarded to the top readers of each class. Classrooms with the most minutes read and highest participation rates will also earn a classroom celebration (K/1, 2/3, 4/5) and Nothing Bundt Cakes bundtlet certificates. Please make sure your child turns in their Reading Feathers so they can participate in these contests. Each day your child participates means they are entered in a drawing for a daily prize, too!
Thank you for participating in Asbury’s 14th Annual Read-A-Thon!
For questions, contact:
Leah Borsheim: or Emily Rotta
In Partnership,
Jeanna Doung
Please Join us on Monday. March 3 for our Community Circle and Read A Thon Kick off!
Please join us on Monday, 3/3 from 7:50-8:50 in Asbury’s Auditorium for our Community Circle and Author Visit with Mina Javaherbin. This is a special Community Circle, as it will be on a Monday and it will be celebrating our kick off to Read A Thon week!
Talent Show
Talent Show audition information was passed out to interested students in grades 2-5 this week. Kindergarten and first graders will not be performing in the Talent Show this year. Please find Talent Show information here and the digital permission slip here. Please email Tillie Batesmith at with any questions!
Weather Reminder
Bundle Up: It is cold in the morning and it feels like an extra cold winter this year. Where we do have inside days during extreme weather and temperatures, on other days, when it might feel brisk, we do have students go outside. We have some extra coats at school, though not enough for everyone, so please have students bring winter gear to school on cold days. We look at the weather daily to make decisions about if we will be inside or outside.
Kiss and Go/Crosswalk Safety
Please use safety at Kiss n’ Go and when crossing the street- please use the crosswalks provided and keep our Asbury Eagles safe 🙂
Report Card Window
Report cards will be ready after March 20. This will be for the 2nd trimester. If you have any questions, please contact the front office.
Assessment Update (3rd, 4th, 5th grades)
UPDATE on Arbitration Ruling for Educators over 5.2% COLA Promised by DPS
We’ve received the arbitration ruling on our 5.2% COLA. Unfortunately, the arbiter ruled in favor of DPS, NOT THE TEACHERS on the technical interpretation of the language. This fight has always been about the district’s refusal to pay its educators and ensuring that dedicated educators can afford to live in the communities we serve so we can continue supporting the students we know and love. Click HERE to read more…
Make your voice heard on behalf of teachers. Click HERE to Send a letter to the Board of Education now, letting them know that you deserve to be valued, respected, and paid. Your teachers deserve your 5.2% COLA!
Update on the Asbury 5th Grade Yard Sale – This coming Saturday!!
HR Updates
Message from Mrs. Batesmith – Talent Show Committee Members Wanted!
Mrs Batesmith is looking for a few more people to be on the Talent Show Committee for this spring’s upcoming Talent Show! Members of this committee will serve as a think tank for logistics and processes on how to improve the Talent Show. Members of this committee may also have the opportunity to serve on the audition panel if that is a direction the panel chooses to go. The time commitment on this is low, culminating with the Talent Show performance, and will involve a handful of virtual meetings and information exchange via email.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please send an email to Mrs Batesmith ( by Thursday 1/16. Thanks for your consideration!
Asbury News in the Air February Edition – from Ms. E’s newspaper group
Immigration Resources for Family and Staff:
A Family Resource Toolkit is available in English and Spanish, and contains information and resources about rights, current DPS policies, training, mental health support, DPS resources, community resources and more. To request the toolkit in another language, email
Prospective Parent Tours Extended
Prospective parent tours have been very successful. Prospective families have been signing up for times to tour Asbury. On these tours they talk to current students and parents while walking around the building. Then prospective parents talk to teachers and Ms. D about the school. We usually run tour weekly from October-January. They have been so popular this month, that we have decided to extend tours through March 7! If you are interested in volunteering to lead these tours, please reach out to Ms. D!
PBL Request for 5th Grade
Do any of you have any connections to shoes! We are looking to get new white sneakers (one pair for each student in their size ideally!) for a Geometry PBL that they will be working on coming soon. Please reach out to if you have any connections or ideas on how to make this dream a reality!
Green Eagles Denver 7 News Story
What’s going on with PTSO?
Please visit the Asbury Website for more information and details about enrichments offered during this session: Asbury Enrichments Schedule (update in progress)
Enrichment Flyers
Community Flyers
Upcoming Dates